BlaQuid Holdings 
Series LLC

Wade Bowers

Founder, Executive Chairman & Chief Investment Strategist

Responsible for sourcing, managing, monitoring and evaluation of investments; developing the investment policy statement; working with external portfolio managers, analysts, and investors.

In 1981, at the young age of 19, Wade started in banking as a figure clerk on Wall Street with the then third largest investment bank in the world, Morgan Guarantee and Trust Co., now J.P. Morgan Chase.

His entrepreneurial inclinations and passion for public service, in the United States Air Force and the United Nations, has since taken him around the world engaging various sectors in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America before returning to his first love, Private Equity investing.

Wade established BlaQuid Holdings, LLC in 2017, investing in art, cryptocurrencies, energy, equities, minerals, real estate, and wine.